Tag: stripper

Cynthia (the Body) Sinclair

Stripper Cynthia (the Body) Sinclair

Georgia Holden wants you to see her boobs

Georgia Holden wants you to see her boobs

Blaze Starr making an entrance

Blaze Starr is making an entrance with a lot of feathers and jewels

Trudy Wayne looking good

Trudy Wayne looking good topless and wearing black stockings

Canadian Stripper Baby Bubbles

Canadian Stripper Baby Bubbles

This is what you came to see

Stripper Patti Waggin

Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancer for a burlesque show

Burlesque performer Blaze Starr, 1955

Burlesque performer Blaze Starr playing in the back yard in 1955

Adele Latour had very long hair

Adele Latour had very long hair

Candy Barr with her six shooters

Stripper Candy Barr with her six shooters

Lili St. Cyr sitting on the couch

Lili St. Cyr sitting on the couch

Stripper Lili St. Cyr showing a little leg

Stripper Lili St. Cyr showing a little leg in black lingerie