Tag: stripper

A Stripper Performing at Club Samoa. New York City 1950

A Stripper Performing at Club Samoa. New York City 1950

Stripper getting ready between acts

Stripper getting ready between acts

Tempest Storm beside a column

From restaurant waitress in low-cut uniforms in the late 1940s (in Lafayette and Orinda, CA) she became…

Anita Ventura in leather and fur

Anita Ventura in black leather and fur showing cleavage and a smile

Candy Barr the two gun stripper

Candy Barr the two gun stripper

Stripper promo photo

Stripper promo photo

Lay out with drama – Lili St. Cyr

Lay out with drama – Stripper Lili St. Cyr

Sherry Britton Promo on a chair

Sherry Britton Promo on a chair

Vintage Burlesque showgirls

Vintage Burlesque showgirls line up for a photo tassels everywhere

Dorrian Dennis in her very small costume

Dorrian Dennis in her very small costume

Jennie Lee – The Girl with the big EYES

Burlesque star Jennie Lee

Bettie Page helping Tempest Storm get ready

Bettie Page helping Tempest Storm get ready