Tag: stockings

Ann Perri the Jane Russel of burlesque

Ann Perri the Jane Russel of burlesque

Burlesque performer

Burlesque performer making adjustments in the dressing room

Burlesque Artists getting ready back stage

Burlesque Artists getting ready back stage

Adele Latour stripper with long hair

Adele Latour stripper with long hair

Patti Waggin doing her hair

Patti Waggin doing her hair while kneeling just wearing black lingerie

Burlesque with umbrella

Burlesque performer posing with umbrella

Betty Howard on the phone

Betty Howard on the phone

Rita Grable are my seams straight?

Rita Grable are my seams straight?  

La Savona showing stockings

Burlesque star La Savona showing stockings while on a couch in her lingerie