Tag: sexy

Stripper Patti Wayne

Stripper Patti Wayne

Adele Latour on her toes

Adele Latour on her toes nude

Georgia Holden back stage

Georgia Holden back stage

Do you want to pick some flowers off Anita Ventura

Do you want to pick some flowers off Anita Ventura Anita Ventura

Trudy Wayne publicity photo

Stripper Trudy Wayne publicity photo

Burlesque belly dancer

Stripper Lili St. Cyr

Lili St. Cyr took Ballet lessons as a child and started dancing in Hollywood as a chorus…

Carol Doda showing her nipple

Carol Doda showing her nipple

Blaze Starr making an entrance

Blaze Starr is making an entrance with a lot of feathers and jewels

Jackie Miller happy on the couch

Jackie Miller happy on the couch

Danish girl group Ladybirds Guitar player

Danish girl group Ladybirds Guitar player singing topless

Lynne O’Neill – Leaning on a fence in not very much on

Lynne O’Neill – Leaning on a fence in not very much on