Tag: Candy Barr

Candy Barr with an elegant drape

Candy Barr with an elegant drape

Candy Barr aka. “The Sugar and Spice Girl”

Candy Barr aka. “The Sugar and Spice Girl”

Candy Barr putting things back under cover

Candy Barr putting her boobs back under cover with her pasties

Candy Barr with a little twirl

Candy Barr stripping with a little twirl

Candy Barr getting ready for her stage show

Candy Barr getting ready for her stage show

Candy Barr nearly nude promo

Candy Barr Promo

Candy Barr with just light wrap

CANDY BARR with just light wrap

Candy Barr and her six shooters

At age 16, Candy Barr appeared in one of the most famous and widely circulated of the…

Candy Barr signed nude

During the 1950s, Candy Barr received nationwide attention for her stripping career in Dallas, Los Angeles, and…

Candy Barr in blue

Candy Barr in blue nightie showing her boobs and big nipples

Candy Barr Dancing

Stripper Candy Barr Dancing

CANDY BARR on display on a chair

CANDY BARR on display on a chair