Tag: boobs

Showgirl with tall head dress

Show girl with tall head dress

Anita Ventura boobs

Stripper Anita Ventura giving us a look at  her boobs

Blaze Starr yes these are my money makers

Blaze Starr yes these are my money makers

Tempest Storm showing off her boobs

Tempest Storm showing off her boobs

Virginia Bell Burlesque Performer of the 1950′s

Virginia Bell Burlesque Performer of the 1950′s showing her great boobs

Danish girl group Ladybirds

Topless band – Danish girl group Ladybirds

Tura Satana topless except for nipple tassels 

Tura Satana promo shot topless except for nipple tassels

Another topless Drummer

Another topless Drummer

Carol Doda topless on stage

Carol Doda topless on stage

Virginia Bell are those stars before my eyes?

Virginia Bell are those stars before my eyes?

Tempest Storm flashing her boobs

Tempest Storm flashing her boobs kneeling on a bed

Tee Tee Red promo photo

Tee Tee Red promo photo showing off her silver nipple covers