Tag: boobs

Candy Barr with a little twirl

Candy Barr stripping with a little twirl

Blaze Starr wearing just a shirt

Stripper Blaze Starr wearing just a shirt and showing her boobs

Betty Howard with a cowgirl flair

Betty Howard a stripper with a cowgirl flair

Jennie Lee Had big boobs

Jennie Lee Had big boobs

Look the boobs move

Look the boobs move as she kicks her legs

Jennie Lee – the stripper with big boobs

Jennie Lee – the stripper with big boobs

Nearly nude showgirls back stage

Showgirls back stage accepting presents from an admirer while they are nearly nude

Jennie Lee the Bazoom girl

Jennie Lee the Bazoom girl act centered on how fast she could get her pastie propellers to spin and how…

Tempest Storm in her tiny costume

Stripper Tempest Storm in her tiny costume

Tempest Storm in front of the chorus

Tempest Storm in front of the chorus

Tempest Storm bouncing

Red headed Stripper Tempest Storm bouncing shaking her boobs

Virginia Bell the stripper with 46 inch bust

Legendary 1950s stripper and nude model with a 46-inch bust.