Desiree Cousteau as a happy nude on the couch

Desiree Cousteau looks like a happy nude on the couch

Linda Lovelace topless with flowers

Linda Lovelace topless with flowers

Ginger Lynn sexy in a sheer top

Ginger Lynn sexy in a sheer top

Juliet Anderson check out her pearls

Juliet Anderson looking very sexy in red lingerie and stockings

Lisa De Leeuw comfortable showing off

Desiree Cousteau was a vintage adult model and actress

Desiree Cousteau was a vintage adult model and actress

Kay Parker and her big boobs

Kay Parker and her big boobs

Debee Ashby all dressed up

Debee Ashby all dressed up

Christy Canyon showing how short her shorts are

Christy Canyon showing how short her shorts are giving us a great view of her ass

Betty Howard reading naked

Betty Howard reading naked

Juliet Anderson showing us her sexy leg

Juliet Anderson showing us her sexy leg sitting in her black lingerie

Anita Ventura adjusting her heels

Anita Ventura Vintage Burlesque Dancer, Stripper, Model: Anita. Usually had a ‘blonde streak’ in her hair. Danced…