Trudy Wayne

Trudy Wayne

Burlesque artist La Savona, 1950’s

Burlesque artist La Savona, 1950’s

Lili St. Cyr perched on the couch

Stripper Lili St. Cyr perched on the couch

Hi-Liter Lounge

Hi-Liter Lounge

Julie Gibson is sexy in a tiny nightie

Julie Gibson looking sexy  in a tiny nightie and high heels Julie Gibson

Lynne O’Neill fluffy rear

Lynne O’Neill fluffy rear

Waiting back stage at a Burlesque show

Floor Show

The ladies of burlesque putting their best foot forward

The ladies of burlesque putting their best foot forward

Tura Satana- Miss Japan Beautiful

Tura Satana- Miss Japan Beautiful Burlesque Promo Photo

The untouchable Ellion Ness

Burlesque artist The untouchable Ellion Ness

Strip Club

look at the old ladies in the audience in this strip club watching the stripper