Adele Latour had very long hair

Adele Latour had very long hair

Lynne O’Neill sexy in a interesting swim suit

Lynne O’Neill looking sexy in a interesting swim suit

Carol Doda dancing topless

Carol Doda dancing topless in San Francisco

Dorian Dennis obtained her Bachelor of Science degree

Prior to her Burlesque dance days, She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree from New York University.

Misty Ayers coming down the stairs

Misty Ayers coming down the stairs

Miss Dagmar

Stripper Miss Dagmar

Kalantan and another layer comes off

Kalantan and another layer comes off

Nina Hartley in a sexy little see through outfit

Nina Hartley in a sexy little see through outfit

Monica Kennedy promo card

Monica Kennedy burlesque promo card standing in costume

Candy Barr with her six shooters

Stripper Candy Barr with her six shooters

Dancer with her fan

Dancer with her fan

Showgirl with tall head dress

Show girl with tall head dress