Virginia Bell nude by the table

Virginia Bell nude by the table

Delilah Jones in black corset

Delilah Jones in black corset

Burlesque dancer Gypsy Rose Lee in 1945

Burlesque dancer Gypsy Rose Lee makes a donation to the March of Dimes in 1945

Vintage burlesque what next

Vintage burlesque what next

“The Violonist”, 1950s Model- Lilly “The Cat Girl” Christine

“The Violonist”, 1950s Model- Lilly “The Cat Girl” Christine / Martha Teresa Pompender

Candy Barr nearly nude promo

Candy Barr Promo

Diane Webber at a nude beach

Diane Webber at a nude beach

Stripper promo photo

Stripper promo photo

Brigitte Lahaie nude on the beach

Brigitte Lahaie nude on the beach just wearing thigh high black boots

A showgirl backstage, 1950

A showgirl taking off her sexy costume backstage, 1950

Virginia Bell on the cover of a mens magazine

Virginia Bell on the cover of a mens magazine

Stripper promo card

Stripper promo card