Canadian showgirl Princesa Lea in Mexico, late 70s

Canadian Burlesque showgirl Princesa Lea in Mexico, late 70s

Adele Latour on her toes

Adele Latour on her toes nude

Georgia Holden back stage

Georgia Holden back stage

Betty Howard naked on a bar

Betty Howard naked on a bar

Donna Brown presenting her assets

Stripper Donna Brown presenting her assets

Trudy Wayne relaxing before a show

Trudy Wayne relaxing before a show

Stripper as a present

Stripper is all dressed up as a present

Misty Ayers poolside

Misty Ayers poolside in a sexy little white bikini

Do you want to pick some flowers off Anita Ventura

Do you want to pick some flowers off Anita Ventura Anita Ventura

Burlesque dancer Lili St. Cyr

Burlesque dancer Lili St. Cyr dancing in Irving Klaw’s Varietease (1954)

Trudy Wayne publicity photo

Stripper Trudy Wayne publicity photo

A dancer making some small adjustments

A dancer making some small adjustments Dancer making some small adjustments