Category: Burlesque

They entertained by stripping off their cloths on stage, it started in Burlesque and carried on into Night Clubs.

Jackie Miller heat lamps for the dancers

Jackie Miller heat lamps for the dancers they need to keep those boobs warm

Back Stage at the burlesque

Candid photo of the Ladies at a Burlesque show

Dancer Julie Gibson

Burlesque Dancer Julie Gibson posing just barley cover

Tempest Storm beside a column

From restaurant waitress in low-cut uniforms in the late 1940s (in Lafayette and Orinda, CA) she became…

Candy Barr the two gun stripper

Candy Barr the two gun stripper

Stripper promo photo

Stripper promo photo

Burlesque artist on the floor

Burlesque artist on the floor

Hold on Trudy Wayne

Hold on Stripper Trudy Wayne

Lay out with drama – Lili St. Cyr

Lay out with drama – Stripper Lili St. Cyr

Jennie Lee Burlesque

Jennie Lee Burlesque

Peep Show – Dixie Evans

Peep Show – Dixie Evans The Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque

Sherry Britton Promo on a chair

Sherry Britton Promo on a chair