Author: That guy

Lili St. Cyr (1952)

Lili St. Cyr (1952)

Lilly Christine on the cover of Adam

Jennie Lee Had big boobs

Jennie Lee Had big boobs

Look the boobs move

Look the boobs move as she kicks her legs

Lili St. Cyr sexy on the phone (1952)

Lili St. Cyr sexy on the phone (1952)

Jennie Lee – the stripper with big boobs

Jennie Lee – the stripper with big boobs

Burlesque artist performing

Burlesque artist performing down close to the audience

Eve Allen promo photo

Eve Allen burlesque artist promo photo

Nearly nude showgirls back stage

Showgirls back stage accepting presents from an admirer while they are nearly nude

Patti on the waggin

Stripper Patti Waggin showing off as Patti on the Waggin

Jennie Lee founded the League of Exotic Dancers

In 1955, Jennie Lee founded the League of Exotic Dancers, an independent organization within the American Guild…

Joan Arline – The sexquire Girl

Joan Arline – The sexquire Girl