Author: That guy

Burlesque star Miss Shalimar

Burlesque star Miss Shalimar

Baby Bubbles on stage

Baby Bubbles on stage swinging her tassels

Burlesque artist in front of the band

Burlesque artist in front of the band

Patti Wayne, The Devil’s Mistress (c. 1952)

Patti Wayne, The Devil’s Mistress (c. 1952)

Dorian Dennis Burlesque Dancer 1950’s

Dorian Dennis Burlesque Dancer 1950’s

Pattie Waggin

Patti Waggin

Carol Doda nude on a bed

Carol Doda is sitting nude on a bed giving us a great view of her nipples

Cowgirl Candy Barr

Cowgirl Candy Barr sitting in a tree with her six shooter out

Stripper showing leg

Stripper showing leg and a tiny top in her promo photo

Lilly Christine – The Cat Girl

Lilly Christine – The Cat Girl – 1940s pinup and burlesque performer

Ricki Covette the tallest exotic dancer

Ricki Covette the tallest exotic dancer at six foot eight inches

Tempest Storm happy waiting

Tempest Storm happy waiting