Author: That guy

Anita Ventura in leather and fur

Anita Ventura in black leather and fur showing cleavage and a smile

Topless Girl Bands

Topless Girl Bands giving us a good look at all ten tits

Candy Barr the two gun stripper

Candy Barr the two gun stripper

Stripper promo photo

Stripper promo photo

Vegas show girl flashing her boobs

Vegas show girl with lots of feathers and showing her boobs

Burlesque artist on the floor

Burlesque artist on the floor

Hold on Trudy Wayne

Hold on Stripper Trudy Wayne

Lay out with drama – Lili St. Cyr

Lay out with drama – Stripper Lili St. Cyr

Burlesque performers helping with makeup

Burlesque performers helping with makeup while in costume

Jennie Lee Burlesque

Jennie Lee Burlesque

Dancers would come right to the audience

Dancers would come right to the audience

Peep Show – Dixie Evans

Peep Show – Dixie Evans The Marilyn Monroe of Burlesque