Month: February 2025

Eve Allen promo photo

Eve Allen burlesque artist promo photo

Nearly nude showgirls back stage

Showgirls back stage accepting presents from an admirer while they are nearly nude

Patti on the waggin

Stripper Patti Waggin showing off as Patti on the Waggin

Jennie Lee founded the League of Exotic Dancers

In 1955, Jennie Lee founded the League of Exotic Dancers, an independent organization within the American Guild…

Joan Arline – The sexquire Girl

Joan Arline – The sexquire Girl

Jennie Lee the Bazoom girl

Jennie Lee the Bazoom girl act centered on how fast she could get her pastie propellers to spin and how…

LA Savona vintage Burlesque

LA Savona vintage Burlesque

Carla – The Cat Girl

Carla – The Cat Girl – Classic Burlesque artist

Anita Ventura standing nude at a home bar

Anita Ventura is standing nude at a home bar

Big hair fishnets and High heels

Big hair fishnets and High heels

On the dance floor

Burlesque on the dance floor

Stripper promo photo